This linear track spotlight of the °on line magnetic track system is another version of °in.
It also slides completely in to the °on line track, and has a glossy or matt antiglare louvre. This creates beam angles of 20°, 35° or 60°.
Like the °in with opal diffuser, °in spot has several sizes: 143mm, 286mm, 572mm, 858mm and 1144mm.
For the 143mm and 286mm, there is a high output version available.
Moreover, the multiple dimming options (DALI, 0-10V, 1-10V, switchDIM, Casambi, Google Home and Amazon Alexa) allow to create the desired atmosphere with this linear track spotlight.
The power of this light source lies in its slenderness and unobtrusiveness; the simplicity of the fixtures’ design makes that it can be used anywhere. Possible mounting types are recessed, mounted on the ceiling or suspended. An innovative and state-of-the-art magnet and contact system make that you can insert and move a wide variety of LED fixtures.

Bart Lens