
Uit meer dan 800 inzendingen voor 14 categorieën, werden 2 nieuwe verlichtingscollecties weerhouden voor de longlist van potentiële winnaars van de Archiproducts Awards. Dit waren de °spot T (°plug collectie) en de °turn micro (°micr’online collectie). De °spot T kreeg het label 'winnaar' in de categorie ‘Verlichting’! De...

We zijn verheugd te melden dat ons nieuw product genaamd 'plug' gelanceerd is. De basis van dit systeem is de “jack plug”. Hij wordt herbestemd tot verbinder en sleepcontact, gecombineerd met led technologie. Elk lichaam kan zo in elkaar geplugd worden,  360 graden gedraaid en gemoduleerd worden...

De Genkse producent van design verlichting, Eden Design, heeft sinds kort een partnership met Wing Partners in Manhattan, New York. Wing Partners is importeur en distributeur van glazen scheidingswanden en deuren voor kantoorgebouwen, en richtte voor dit partnership LUMARTES op, dat de verlichting van Eden Design...

The German Design Council, the expert for brand and design in Germany, bestows the German Design Award. Commissioned by the highest authority to represent new developments in the German design industry. Established on the initiative of the German Bundestag (the lower house of German parliament)...

The German Design Council, the expert for brand and design in Germany, bestows the German Design Award. Commissioned by the highest authority to represent new developments in the German design industry. Established on the initiative of the German Bundestag (the lower house of German parliament)...

We look forward to welcoming you to our stand (nr. 623 HAL 6 ) at Biennale interieur in Kortrijk. We will be presenting our new products. Ask for a meeting and receive a free ticket PLACE lKortrijk Xpo Doorniksesteenweg 216 8500 Kortrijk Belgium DATES 18 till 22 October 2018 from 10.00 am until 8.00 pm.  ...

Bart Lens, the renowned architect and designer, received the Lifetime Achievement Award; a prize that is only destined for a designer or design studio that has been active for at least 30 years and has had both national and international impact on an economic, social...

The Trendspot Design in Hall 1 of the Light + Building 2018 offers visitors plenty of new ideas. Which of the presented products should you absolutely have seen? Stylepark answers this question with the award "Stylepark Selected", which will be given to the most interesting...