People have always been fascinated by the light of a perfect circle. The returning full moon and the natural phenomena ascribed to it (higher childbirth percentage, fertility, transformation from human to animal, etc.), the archetypical form of an UFO, the shape of a gong, the sun and more are but a few striking examples.
Despite its shape of a full circle (full moon), the lamp can be used in several positions: horizontally, diagonally, obliquely or vertically (fool moon). Thanks to its large dimensions, the lamp is easily recognisable and has the possibility of demarcating or creating spaces. The lamp also had a highly symbolic value due to its imposed abstraction.

Bart Lens

(°1959) The designs of Bart Lens excel in their simplicity and elicit both a tangible and visual impact. Bart Lens is the founder of Lens°Ass studio, and works on projects from architecture and interior design to product and concept development. He designed for companies such as Moome, Jongform, Eden Design but was also asked to guide BKRK into another era. He took on the job as curator of the site with the main goal of bringing back the artisan craftmanship of long ago.