Raising lighting to a new level.
In the past OLED has mainly been used for decorative and ambient lighting. OLED stands for Organic LED and produces a natural glare-free light. This innovative OLED luminaire has a lumen output of 300lm from a single 12,7cm sheet, which makes it the brightest commercially available OLED in the world and makes it perfectly suitable for contemporary designs. This sleek panel, mainly made out of aluminum and glass is less than 5mm thick. Oh!led is available in satin black or satin white.

Bart Lens

(°1959) The designs of Bart Lens excel in their simplicity and elicit both a tangible and visual impact. Bart Lens is the founder of Lens°Ass studio, and works on projects from architecture and interior design to product and concept development. He designed for companies such as Moome, Jongform, Eden Design but was also asked to guide BKRK into another era. He took on the job as curator of the site with the main goal of bringing back the artisan craftmanship of long ago.