La XL(amp) a initialement été dessiné pour indiquer le bord d’un stand de foire et pour simultanément présenter des images à l’intérieur de la lampe. L’abat-jour est pliable. Cela permet de faciliter le transport et de couvrir la lampe avec une pellicule photographique. La lampe, en vertu de sa grandeur, détermine son propre espace.
Matière: polyester (et acier pour la version floor)
3 versions: XL(amp) large – XL(lamp) small – XL(lamp) floor.

Bart Lens

(°1959) The designs of Bart Lens excel in their simplicity and elicit both a tangible and visual impact. Bart Lens is the founder of Lens°Ass studio, and works on projects from architecture and interior design to product and concept development. He designed for companies such as Moome, Jongform, Eden Design but was also asked to guide BKRK into another era. He took on the job as curator of the site with the main goal of bringing back the artisan craftmanship of long ago.